
"Volunteering enables me to give something back"

Simon Britton CMIIA

In both my public and private sector roles IIA membership has given me a truly disciplined approach to providing assurance, whilst ensuring that internal and external risks are identified and managed in a cost-effective way. The networking opportunities and shared resources of the professional body allow my development to continue, while volunteering enables me to give something back and aid the development of others.

Simon Britton CMIIA
Alliance Boots 



The Chartered IIA is a membership organisation: we are here to support and represent our members. The more actively you are involved, the better we will do that. Being a volunteer is a great way to help shape the institute and get the most out of your membership. 

How to get involved as a volunteer

  1. Most new volunteers start by working with their local region. Contact the regional chair to find out how you can get involved.

  2. Or, why not contact our technical team to see if you can help them out in offering advice to other members?

  3. You could stand for election on our Council. Elections take place once a year, usually in summer.

If you have any questions about volunteering with the Chartered IIA, drop us an email.

IIA Global is seeking volunteers

Volunteers play a key role at IIA Global in helping to shape the future of the internal audit profession. There are currently a number of leadership positions that need to be filled and as a member of the Chartered IIA, you are invited to nominate yourself for election. 

Find out more

Volunteer-led sector networks

Some of our members run their own special interest groups. These are independent networking groups organised by volunteers.

Charities Internal Audit Network

Construction Internal Audit Forum

Council for Higher Education Internal Audit

Housing Internal Audit Forum

Insurance Internal Audit Group